Welcome to Troops 390/7390

Welcome to the official website of Scouts BSA Troops 390/7390. We are chartered by Faith Lutheran Church of Fairlawn, Ohio and belong to the Soaring Eagle District in the Great Trail Council of Scouts BSA.

Troop 390 February COH

What's Happening in Our Troop?

Upcoming Event Calendar

Dec 17 Head Start Wrapping & BOR
Dec 24 No Troop Meeting
Dec 30 Rock Climbing at Kendall Cliffs

Jan 14 BOR
Jan 21 BOR
Jan 24-26 Skiing, Holiday Valley
Feb 2 Scout Sunday, COH
Feb 14-16 Klondike, Manatoc
Mar 1 Spaghetti Dinner
Mar 14-16 Leprechaun Hunt, Beaumont
April 11-13 April Fool's Campout
May 2-4 Tuscazoar (Dover Dam Days - Plant Science MB)
June 6-8 NYLT Weekend 1 @ Stambaugh
June 27-29 NYLT Weekend 2 @ Butler
June 30-July 7 Swamp Base, Lafayette, LA
July 13-19 Summer Camp @ Manatoc

Spaghetti Dinner Chair Urgently Needed:

The Troop is looking for a Spaghetti Dinner Chair and additional Co-Chairs for this event. The Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser will be on March 1, 2025. This is the Troop’s 2nd biggest fundraiser. Please consider volunteering as Scouts age out, we lose experienced parents and need to get new help in the mix before they all leave.

Popcorn Fundraiser:

A huge thank you to Mr. Ingersoll for being the Troop’s Popcorn Kernal for the 2nd year in a row! Popcorn prizes were distributed at the December 10th Troop Meeting. Please ask your Scout if they did not receive their prize and let Mrs. Nester or Mr. Sroka know. Scouts who did not sell $450 in products will be expected to pay $150 (or a prorated amount based on sales) to the Troop. Scouts will be contacted soon.

New GTC Scout Adventure Fee:

The new GTC Council Scout Adventure fee is $85 per scout. The Troop Committee has approved the payment of the 2025 Council Adventure Fee for our Scouts. This new fee replaces the annual Friends of Scouting campaign. This fee includes several activities for Scouts to participate in throughout the year including target and range sports days, merit badge university, weekend merit badge day, discounts on summer camp, and more.

BSA Renewal Membership Fee:

The BSA Membership is Up for Renewal: All of you should have recently received an email from Boy Scouts of America informing you that “Your BSA Membership is up for renewal”. Please check your spam if you have not received this email. This is new this year and the troop is no longer able to renew Scouts & leaders with our annual re-charter. Please click on the link they provide. You will have to log in or create an account in my.scouting.org and go to My Renewals. During the checkout process, you will also decide whether or not to keep receiving the Scout Life magazine. Families must renew their Scouts memberships each year. Please reach out to Dale or Elise with questions.

Acme Receipts Cash Back Time:

Troops 7390 & 390 are collecting Acme Receipts again this year through February 15, 2025. There is a $2,000 minimum before we can submit receipts. So far, the Troop has collected approximately $825. Scouts can ask friends, relatives, and neighbors for their receipts, too. Acme reimburses 5% of the cash back value, which will go directly into the Scout’s account. Please give the paper copies of receipts or text a picture of your receipt to Sarah Eckert at (330) 671-1052.

Newsletter Items

To add items to the monthly newsletter, contact Natalie at nwill0804@gmail.com.

Scoutmaster News - Elise & Dale

On the November Campout at Manatoc scouts worked on requirements. There are several upcoming Board of Review (BOR) opportunities on December 17, January 14, and January 21. Please request a BOR from either Mrs. Nester or Mr. Sroka.

Unfortunately, the December Beaumont Campout was cancelled due to a level 3 snow emergency. The Troop is requesting a refund for all who signed up for Merit Badge University.

With the weather getting colder, now is the perfect time to purchase your Scout a Troop Sweatshirt. The cost is $23. They would make an excellent Christmas gift. Please see Mrs. Forster if you would like to purchase one.

Reminder: There will be no Troop meeting on December 24, 2024.

In lieu of the December 31st Troop Meeting, Scouts could meet at Kendall Cliffs from 6-8 PM on December 30th, located next to Appalachian Outfitters in Peninsula, for a rock-climbing activity. Please let Mrs. Nester or Mr. Sroka know if you are interested. More information will be forthcoming.

Swamp Base 2025 High Adventure:

Play Video
  • Dates: June 29 – July 7, 2025
  • Base Cost: $800/person + transportation.
  • Deposits Due: $250/participant was due in both Sept & Oct. The payment schedule will resume in January 2025. Please be sure you are up to date on payments.

January 2025 Campout:

On the January 24-26 Campout, the Troop will be skiing at Holiday Valley and camping at Camp Merz. Scouts do not have to ski to attend this campout. Permission slips will be handed out in January. The camping fee is $20 + TBD skiing fees. Stay tuned for more information.

Head Start Tags:

Christmas is a time to think of those less fortunate than us. The Troop has participated in sponsoring a family and Head Start Tags for 24 years. Scouts pulled tags on November 19th. Please bring the unwrapped gift/food item to the December 17th Troop meeting. The Scouts will wrap the gifts for delivery to the family. If you have any small and/or clothing boxes available, please bring them to the meeting.

Troop Reminders:

  • Scouts are expected to wear their full uniforms to every meeting, even when arriving late from sports practices.
  • The base cost for monthly campouts has been raised to $15/Scout + the expense of the Adventure.
  • Scouts should budget $10 per Scout when planning their campout menus. This will help alleviate overspending and purchasing too much food.
  • Troop sweatshirts are on sale for $23. Many Scouts like to wear them at campouts. Troop t-shirts also may be purchased for $15. Please see Mrs. Forster if you would like to purchase one.
  • The next PLC Committee Meeting will be November 5, 2024, at 6 PM.
  • The next Troop Committee Meeting will be on November 3, 2024 @ 7 PM. All are welcome.

The Values of Scouting

Scouting is a values-based program with its own code of conduct. The Scout Oath and Law help instill the values of good conduct, respect for others, and honesty. Scouts learn skills that will last a lifetime, including basic outdoor skills, first aid, citizenship skills, leadership skills, and how to get along with others. For almost a century, Scouting has instilled in young people the values and knowledge that they will need to become leaders in their communities and country.

On my honor I will do my best
To do my duty to God and my country and
To obey the Scout Law;
To help other people at all times;
To keep myself physically strong,
Mentally awake, and morally straight.

Be Prepared

Do a Good Turn Daily

A Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful,Friendly,
Courteous, Kind, Obediant, Cheerful,
Thrifty, Brave, Clean, Reverent

As an American, I will do my best to:
Be clean in my outdoor manners
Be careful with fire
Be considerate in the outdoors, and
Be conservation minded